Analysis of the profile of patients attended in a pediatric physiotherapy ambulatory
pediatrics; ambulatory care; child health; Physical therapyAbstract
Introduction: Growth and development are the reference axes for all child and adolescent care activities. Pathologies can impair motor, cognitive, social and psychological development. The demand for physiotherapy clinic schools has been increasing, as they facilitate the demands of the population and offer quality service. Objectives: To outline the profile of pediatric patients attended from 2020 to July 2021, at the clinical school of physiotherapy (UNIFESO), in the city of Teresópolis. Methods: This is a descriptive, retrospective and quantitative analysis of the profile of patients in the pediatric sector of a physiotherapy clinic, from 2020 to July 2021, through the variables: age group, gender, address, neighborhood, clinical diagnosis, physiotherapeutic diagnosis, treatment time, use of wheelchairs. Results: The highest prevalence of patients was resident of the Meudon-Teresópolis/RJ neighborhood. Most children were female, with a clinical diagnosis of higher incidence of Neuropsychomotor Delay and Down Syndrome. As well, the most wanted, after area for assistance, was motor physiotherapy. Conclusion: From the data analysis, structuring measures will be adopted for the pediatric evaluation form, providing a more effective service based on scientific literature.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Anna Carla Limongi Carvalho, Miriana Carvalho Klem, Ana Carolina Martins, Thiago Klem Pereira, Clara de Almeida e Araújo Leite, Marco Orsini
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