Profile of the performance of Community Health Workers regarding post-COVID-19 sequelae in Santarém/PA
Community Health Workers ; covid-19 ; Inservice TrainingAbstract
Introduction: In the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, Community Health Workers (CHW) guaranteed the provision of assistance to the population. However, many did not receive proper training to act more safely and in relation to the systemic sequelae that the infection could cause. Objective: To assess the knowledge of CHWs before and after offering training on the sequelae of COVID-19 and how they acted during the most critical moment of the pandemic. Methods: Primary, quantitative, descriptive research, with data collection performed from the application of two standardized and structured questionnaires with closed questions. Results: The sample consisted of n=37 CHW working in UBS in the urban area of the city, 94% female, with more than 5 years of experience. 89% of them reported not having received adequate training on COVID-19 and its sequelae, and 84% contracted the virus. Regarding the symptoms, they pointed out loss of smell, headache, dry cough, fever and loss of taste as the most recurrent and recognized previous lung disease and kidney disease as the comorbidities that most favor the development of the complex picture of the infection. Among the sequelae, anxiety and generalized muscle fatigue were highlighted. They stated that they direct the population to the UBS when they perceive such consequences. Conclusion: The CHWs obtained generalized prior knowledge about the consequences of COVID-19, which became a little deeper after the training offered, in addition to clarifying their work routine during the peak period of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tafne Moraes Pereira, Yaritsa Gabrielly da Silva Campos, Eliane Ferreira Marinho, Daliane Ferreira Marinho
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