Neuromuscular activation of the rectus abdominis in hundred, plank and crunch exercises: A surface electromyographic comparison




rectus abdominis, abdominal exercises, electromyogram


Introduction: The rectus abdominis muscle has among its functions to stabilize and flex the trunk. There are several static and dynamic exercises that can condition it for sports performance or rehabilitation. Objective: To compare the neuromuscular activation of the rectus abdominis between hundred, plank and crunch exercises by surface electromyography. Methods: Cross-sectional study with female students from a public university, 18 to 30 years old. Evaluated by surface electromyography, equipment Miotool 400, software MiotecSuite, unipolar surface electrodes positioned bilaterally in the upper portions of the rectus abdominis muscle, considering values of the square root of the mean normalized by dynamic peak in crunch exercise and maximum voluntary isometric contraction in hundred and plank. Results: We evaluated 34 female students, mean age of 20.47 years, where the exercise hundred evidenced significant difference (p = 0.0146) between the activation of the muscle belly of the rectus abdominis, revealing greater activation in the left in relation to the right; the exercise plank was the one that revealed the greatest discrepancy between the muscle bellies. The plank exercise revealed the greatest discrepancy between the muscle bellies (p = 0.0001), exposing a high activation of the left abdomen in comparison to the right; the crunch exercise showed no significant difference between the muscle bellies (p = 0.1834), with less activation between the exercises. Conclusion: The abdominal crunch exercise proved to be an isotonic exercise that recruited fewer motor units, suggesting greater effectiveness when performing the task fully.

Author Biographies

André de Aguiar Santos Filho, UEPA

Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), Belém, PA, Brasil

Tereza Cristina dos Reis Ferreira, UEPA

Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), Belém, PA, Brasil

Marcio Clementino Souza Santos, UEPA

Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), Belém, PA, Brasil

Paulo Eduardo Santos Ávila, UFPA

Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém, PA, Brasil

Tiago Costa Esteves, Inspirar

Faculdade Inspirar, Belém, PA, Brasil

Gabriela Melo Andrade, UEPA

Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), Belém, PA, Brasil

Altair Vallinoto Klautau, UNAMA

Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA), Belém, PA, Brasil

João Sérgio de Sousa Oliveira, UEPA

Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), Belém, PA, Brasil


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