The use of participation assessment and contextual factors for extended analysis of child neurodevelopment
Premature, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, Child developmentAbstract
Objective: To investigate the use of participation and contextual factors assessment instruments to enable expanded analysis of neurodevelopment in at-risk children. Methods: Cross-sectional study, composed of preterm children aged between three and 42 months. Those with congenital malformations, genetic syndromes and exposure to congenital infections were excluded. The instruments Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS), Denver Test II, Child Engagement in Daily Life (CEDL), Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development (AHEMD) and a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers were used for assessment. Results: Sample of 29 children with higher prevalence of alterations in fine (34.5%) and gross (24.1%) motor domains; regarding participation, 58.6% almost never played outdoors with other children and 75.9% almost never went on entertainment outings, regarding contextual factors, low provision of fine (46.4%) and gross (57.1%) motor skills materials in homes. Conclusion: Children with neurodevelopment classified as questionable had changes in the domains of participation and contextual factors, indicating the importance of a more detailed assessment. The use of instruments to analyze these domains contributed to a better understanding of neurodevelopment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Camila Santos Barros, Maria Fernanda Vieira, Carla Martins Trevisan Ribeiro

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