Muscle deficiency index with and without anterior cruciate ligament injury: a cross-sectional study
anterior cruciate ligament, muscle strength, knee joint, isokinetic dynamometerAbstract
Introduction: The isokinetic dynamometer is the gold standard for assessing muscle strength and measures variables such as peak torque (PT), power (PW) and the total work (TT). The relationship between strength and muscle balance can be analyzed through the muscle deficiency index (MDI), which represents muscle deficits. Studies are needed to investigate the IDM in the population without injury (SL) and in the population with injury (CL) of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Objective: To characterize the MDI in bilateral isokinetic variables, PT, TT and POT of active men CL and SL of the ACL. Methods: Cross-sectional study using data from men CL and SL of the ACL, stored in the Biodex System Pro isokinetic dynamometer software. The Instat package was used, applying the Unpaired T test (TU), Paired T test and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: There is a significant difference (p < 0.05) between extension in SL (8.4 ± 3.3) and CL (21 ± 15), the same occurs for flexion in SL (7.5 ± 3.2) and CL (15 ± 11) of the ACL. Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the CL and SL groups, with CL presenting MDI differences above 10% compared to SL. In this way, the IDM may become a guide to verify the physiotherapeutic rehabilitation. Studies are suggested to investigate the MDI during the discharge period after ACL rehabilitation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Hadassa Bomfim Araújo , Caroline Coletti de Camargo, Jéssica Kirsch Micheletti, Laís Gobbo Fonseca, Luana Zava Ribeiro da Silva, Rafaela Maria de Souza, Ana Carolina de Jacomo Claudio, Berlis Ribeiro dos Santos Menossi

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