Effects of elastic bandage on primary dysmenorrhea in college students


  • Joana Hasenack Stallbaum UFSM
  • Bianca Ineu Kelling UFSM
  • Fabrí­cio Santana da Silva UFSM
  • Melissa Medeiros Braz UFSM




bandages, dysmenorrhea, Physical Therapy Specialty


Introduction: Despite of primary dysmenorrhea be very incident and have a negative impact in women’s life, therapeutic techniques for the treatment, like kinesio taping, are little elucidated by the literature. Objective: To evaluate the effects of kinesio taping on pain and activities of daily living (ADLs) of university students with primary dysmenorrhea. Methods: Clinical randomized trial with 22 women with primary dysmenorrhea, allocated into two groups (A and B), followed for two menstrual cycles. The group A received the intervention on the first month and was monitored on the second month. In the group B were made the opposite. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in the general average pain perceived by the women, in group B, in third (p = 0.01) and fourth days (p = 0.02), in favor to the intervention. It was also observed reduction in pain intensity of 72.7% of the subjects from moderate and intense to light. The pain distribution in body and the influence in ADLs did not have statistically difference, except in one ADL. Conclusion: The kinesio taping method is beneficial in primary dysmenorrhea in college students, with positive effects in reduction of pain intensity and duration.

Author Biographies

Joana Hasenack Stallbaum, UFSM

Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

Bianca Ineu Kelling, UFSM

Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

Fabrí­cio Santana da Silva, UFSM

Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

Melissa Medeiros Braz, UFSM

Professora Adjunta do Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil


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