Co-production of the target public in health education and prevention of dengue
health education; prevention; dengueAbstract
The objective of this study was to identify the ways health professionals participate in the target public involved with health education and efforts to prevent dengue fever in the municipality of Niterói, RJ, seeking to recognize their activities and difficulties arising from this process. Carried out through a field survey (approved by CEP/EEAN-UFRJ under number 18/08), the study was qualitative and exploratory, through semi-structured interviews with nurses working for the Family Medical Program (Programa Médico de Família – PMF). This step allowed classifying the activities of these nurses and their difficulties in health education and prevention of dengue. The conclusion is that there is little perception of educational practices that could mobilize these professionals and the community involved in the process of co-production of the target public, evidencing the difficulties nurses face in being, and being recognized as, educators.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Maíra Muniz Assis, André Luiz de Souza Braga, Elaine Antunes Cortez, Tânia Cristina Tavares Corrêa Valladão
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