Contexteasure and suffering of catholic religious leaders




occupational health, occupational stress, work conditions, nursing care


Objective: To assess the work context and indicators of pleasure and suffering from the perspective of religious leaders of the Catholic Church. Methods: Study with a quantitative, cross-sectional approach. The Work Context Assessment Scale and the Pleasure and Suffering Indicators Scale at Work were applied to 91 priests in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from August to December 2017. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed. Results: The organization of work received the worst assessment of the context (71.4%). The indicators of pleasure at work were related to professional fulfillment (79.1%). However, 52.7% complained about professional exhaustion, and 61.5% about lack of recognition. Conclusion: Despite the work context being assessed as favorable, which favors pleasure at work, priests consider the organization of work in the priestly context as serious/critical, asserting aspects that accentuate the indicators of suffering.

Author Biographies

Edemilson Pichek dos Santos, FACCAT

Enfermeiro, Mestrando em Desenvolvimento Regional pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação (PPGDR) das Faculdades Integradas de Taquara (FACCAT), Bolsista CAPES, Taquara, RS, Brasil  

Samanta Andresa Richter, PUCRS

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina/Pediatria e Saúde da Criança (PPGPSC/PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Edna Thais Jeremias Martins, FACCAT

Faculdades Integradas de Taquara (FACCAT), Taquara, RS, Brasil

Claudia Capellari, FACCAT

Enfermeira, Profa Dra, Coordenadora do Curso de Enfermagem, Faculdades Integradas de Taquara - Faccat, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Gímerson Erick Ferreira, UFMT

Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT, Brasil


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