Postural changes: the characterization of Physiotherapy students in a higher education institution in Fortaleza/CE
scoliosis, posture, Physical therapyAbstract
In the standard posture, the spine has normal curvatures and the bones of the lower limbs are in alignment. When the structural component is changed, the human body changes to perform this situation in the best possible way, which can cause a postural deviation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the posture and its commitments in students of a Physical therapy course, tracing the socioeconomic clinical profile, knowing the postural impairments of the participants. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study carried out between August 2015 and June 2016, at the Estácio do Ceará University Center with 32 students. The data were collected through a postural assessment form developed for the survey and analyzed using the Excel® program and compared with the current literature. The female gender was predominant in 75% of the sample. Regarding the participants' marital status, 87.5% were single. The average age was 24.4 years. Regarding the Body Mass Index, it was evidenced that 28 participants (87.5%) had a normal weight, according to their height. To test for the presence of scoliosis, the Adams Test was performed. 72% of the participants presented gibosity, 12.50% lumbar gibosity, 43.75% thoracic gibosity and 15.63% thoraco-lumbar gibosity. Most of the students had scoliosis. However, studies with a larger sample should be carried out to obtain more accurate results.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Giselle Tibúrcio Lima, Marcus Levy Oliveira Mouta, Jeffeson Hildo Medeiros de Queiroz, Denilson Queiroz Cerdeira, Cristiane Clemente de Mello Salgueiro, José Ferreira Nunes
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