Acute effect of the use of Russian and Aussie currents on the muscular strength of fist and finger flexors


  • Marina Rufino Mariano UFPI
  • Ivy Veras de Sousa UFPI
  • Priscila Thais Araújo dos Santos UFPI
  • Paulo Roberto Milanez Oliveira Junior UFPI
  • Francisco Eliezer Xavier Magalhães UFPI
  • Dionis de Castro Dutra Machado UFPI



Physiotherapy, electro-stimulation, muscle strength


Introduction: The motor and sensorial changes of the decrease the strength of the muscles that make up this segment and can affect the quality of life of the individual. In the field of Physical Therapy, the decrease of muscle strength is often treated with the use of excitomotor currents. Among those commonly used, the Russian and Aussie currents stand out because they are of medium frequency and promote comfortable sensory stimulation. Objective: To identify the acute effects of the use of Aussie and Russian chains on the muscular strength of wrist and finger flexors. Methods: An experimental study was carried out, in which the palmar grip strength was evaluated before and after the application of excitomotor currents (Aussie and Russian). The volunteers were divided into two groups, GR, the Russian current therapy was taken, and GA, who received the therapy using the Aussie current. The stimulation using the Russian current was performed with carrier frequency of 2500 Hz with burst of 10 ms, stimulation frequency of 50 Hz, time On 5 seconds and time Off 15 seconds and modulation of 20%. The Aussie current stimulation was performed with a frequency of 1000 Hz with a burst of 2 ms, modulation frequency at 50 Hz, time On in 5 seconds, time Off 15 seconds, ramps up and down fixed in 2 seconds. In both stimulations, the intensity of the current was adjusted according to the tolerance of the participant, seeking to trigger visible muscle contraction, and the total time of application was 10 minutes. Results: Changes in goniometry and dynamometry were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA. When analyzing the main effects of the goniometry data, no statistically significant differences were observed between the groups [F (2,114) = 2,662; p = 0.074] and between the moments [F (1.114) = 2.893; p = 0.092]. The dynamometry data also did not present main effect for the moments [F (1,114) = 0.392; p = 0.533]. However, a major effect was observed for groups with [F (2,114) = 3.119; p = 0.048]. Thus, the present study did not find statistically significant differences in palmar grip strength gain as a result of a single application of the currents studied. Conclusion: It is suggested to perform additional studies using electrical stimulation, seeking to establish parameters more indicated to promote greater muscle strength gains and therapeutic benefits.

Author Biographies

Marina Rufino Mariano, UFPI

Ft., Universidade Federal do Piauí­ (UFPI), Teresina, PI, Brasil

Ivy Veras de Sousa, UFPI

Ft., Universidade Federal do Piauí­ (UFPI), teresina, PI, Brasil

Priscila Thais Araújo dos Santos, UFPI

Ft., Universidade Federal do Piauí­ (UFPI), Teresina, PI, Brasil

Paulo Roberto Milanez Oliveira Junior, UFPI

Ft., Universidade Federal do Piauí­ (UFPI), Teresina, PI, Brasil

Francisco Eliezer Xavier Magalhães, UFPI

Ft., D.Sc.,  Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal do Piauí­ (UFPI), Teresina, PI, Brasil

Dionis de Castro Dutra Machado, UFPI

Professora adjunta do departamento de Educação Fí­sica do CCS da Universidade Federal do Piauí­  (UFPI), Teresina, PI, Brasil


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