Relationship between motor and cognitive function in hemiplegic cerebral palsy


  • Cláudio Henrique Vieira Gusmão UNIESP
  • Esther Gonçalves Soares UNIESP
  • Larissa Stephanie Maria Moreira UNIESP
  • Bruno Fernandes Batista UNIESP
  • Deisiane Oliveira Souto UNIESP



cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, motor performance, cognitive function


Introduction: Children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (HCP) exhibit functional difficulties in using the hemiparetic upper limb, negatively impacting their performance in carrying out activities of daily living. Currently, motor deficits in this population are accompanied by sensory disorders, learning difficulties, changes in behavior and communication and general cognitive deficits. Objective: To investigate the possible association between motor and cognitive deficits in children with PCH, also verifying the influence of laterality in hemiplegia. Methods: Thirty children with PCH participated in the study (mean age = 10.48 ± 2.46 years). Participants were subjected to the following tests: Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA), Raven's Colorful Progressive Matrices, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children fourth Edition - WISC IV Subtest and the semantic verbal fluency of animals. Results: The groups were homogeneous in relation to sex and age (p > 0.05). The groups did not differ in relation to the level of motor performance, working memory, intelligence and verbal fluency (p> 0.05). Motor performance correlated with all cognitive variables. Conclusion: In children with PCH, motor performance correlated strongly with cognitive functions. In addition, the laterality of the brain injury did not influence performance in motor and cognitive tasks.

Author Biographies

Cláudio Henrique Vieira Gusmão, UNIESP

Graduando curso de Fisioterapia, Faculdade de Santa Luzia – Grupo UNIESP, Santa Luzia/MG, Brasil

Esther Gonçalves Soares, UNIESP

Graduanda curso de Fisioterapia, Faculdade de Santa Luzia – Grupo UNIESP, Santa Luzia/MG, Brasil

Larissa Stephanie Maria Moreira, UNIESP

Graduanda curso de Fisioterapia, Faculdade de Santa Luzia – Grupo UNIESP, Santa Luzia/MG, Brasil

Bruno Fernandes Batista, UNIESP

Graduando curso de Fisioterapia, Faculdade de Santa Luzia – Grupo UNIESP, Santa Luzia/MG, Brasil

Deisiane Oliveira Souto, UNIESP

Professora no departamento de Fisioterapia, Faculdade de Santa Luzia – Grupo UNIESP, Santa Luzia/MG, Brasil


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