Kinesiotherapy to improve quality of life after breast cancer surgery


  • Helena Yannael Bezerra Domingos UFS
  • Sarah Santos Moreira UFS
  • Mikael Santos Alves UFS
  • Fernanda Bispo Oliveira UFS
  • Caroline Bomfim Lemos da Cruz UFS
  • Maiana Damares Santos Silva UFS
  • Aline Silva Siqueira Martins Hospital Santa Isabel
  • Mariana Tirolli Rett UFS



Physical therapy; Quality of life; Mastectomy; Breast cancer; Exercise therapy


Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common health problem among the female population and its surgical treatment may cause physical limitations and impair quality of life (QOL). Kinesiotherapy becomes a possibility of treatment in order to reduce the complications of surgery. Objective: To compare QOL before and after 10 kinesiotherapy. Methods: Non-randomized clinical trial, involving women who underwent 10 physical therapy training after surgery to treat breast cancer. The kinesiotherapy protocol included stretching, active-free exercises and resistance exercises. To assess QOL, the European Organization for Cancer Research and Treatment (EORTC) generic instrument, the C-30 Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ-C30) and the Breast Cancer Module (BR-23) were applied. Results: 35 women were included, with the mastectomy on the left being the most performed procedure. In the generic questionnaire of the EORTC, QLQ-C30, an improvement was observed in the scores of the scale of physical function (p = 0.01), functional performance (p = 0.02), fatigue (p = 0.03), pain (p = 0.01) and insomnia (p = 0.02), and worsens only in diarrhea symptoms (p = 0.02). In BR-23, significant improvements were observed in the symptoms of the breast (p = 0.01) and the arm (p = 0.01). Conclusion: Kinesiotherapy has beneficial effects on QOL. After kinesiotherapy there was an improvement of several aspects of QOL. Longer follow-up and other assessment tools may show additional gains.

Author Biographies

Helena Yannael Bezerra Domingos, UFS

Graduanda em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Sarah Santos Moreira, UFS

Graduanda em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Mikael Santos Alves, UFS

Graduando em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Fernanda Bispo Oliveira, UFS

Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Caroline Bomfim Lemos da Cruz, UFS

Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Maiana Damares Santos Silva, UFS

Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Aline Silva Siqueira Martins, Hospital Santa Isabel

Fisioterapeuta do Ambulatório de Oncologia do Hospital Cirurgia e da UTIN do Hospital Santa Isabel, Pós-graduação em Terapia Intensiva pela Escola Bahiana de Medicina e em Fisioterapia Pélvica pela Faculdade Inspirar

Mariana Tirolli Rett, UFS

Professora Associada do Departamento de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), especialista em Saúde da Mulher pela ABRAFISM


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