Rehabilitation in pediatric oncohematological patients and its relationship to chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity




cancer; child; cardiotoxicity; exercise


Objective: To present the effects of rehabilitation in pediatric onco-hematological patients and analyze whether rehabilitation protocols interfere with chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity. Methods: An integrative literature review was carried out using the descriptors: “cancer”, “child”, “cardiotoxicity”, “rehabilitation” and “exercise training”. The following databases were used: Scientific Electronic Library (Scielo), National Library of Medicine (Pubmed), Virtual Health Library (Medline) and Springer Nature (Springer Link). Articles published between 2008 and 2020 were defined as inclusion criteria. Articles on exclusively non-hematological cancers were excluded. Results: 10 articles were selected and it was found that physical exercise applied to hematological cancers in children is beneficial with regard to the side effects of diseases and treatment. Physical exercise had positive effects on functional muscle and cardiorespiratory capacity; improvement in the feeling of fatigue and quality of life; and gains in physical fitness, body composition, and bone health. Conclusion: The implementation of exercise programs is effective and make a difference in maintaining and improving the quality of life of childhood cancer patients. More studies are needed in the area of ​​rehabilitation in pediatric onco-hematology, especially related to complications resulting from cardiotoxicity.

Author Biographies

Thatyane Soares Souza de Oliveira, HCB

Hospital da Criança de Brasília José Alencar, Brasília, DF, Brasil

Tito Lívio Cardoso Barreto, HB

Hospital de Base (SMHS), Brasília, DF, Brasil


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