Effect of breath stacking in mechanically ventilated patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit
physical therapy, intensive care unit, artificial respirationAbstract
Objective: To compare two methods of the Breath Stacking maneuver, using a mechanical ventilator and a manual resuscitator, in patients on mechanical ventilation admitted to the intensive care unit. Method: This is a non-randomized clinical study consisting of 32 patients. The subjects were initially submitted to the breath stacking technique with a mechanical ventilator, occluding the expiratory branch of the circuit for 20 seconds. The technique was performed six consecutive times with a two-minute interval between maneuvers. After 24 hours, the second breath stacking technique was performed with a manual resuscitator, with 20 seconds of insufflations with the valve closed, being performed 10 consecutive times with 1-minute pauses between applications. Results: It was observed that the breath stacking maneuver, when analyzing hemodynamic variables, did not show significant changes after applying the techniques, therefore, it was safe without changing vital signs. In the analysis of pulmonary variables: respiratory rate, peripheral oxygen saturation, tidal volume and static compliance, there were no significant variations after application of the techniques. In the variables: peak pressure (p-0.02) and driving pressure (p-0.03), it can be seen that peak pressure and driving pressure were better in both others, however, in the breath group stacking with a mechanical ventilator, there was a superiority of the technique compared to breath stacking with a manual resuscitator. Conclusion: The breath stacking technique with a mechanical ventilator compared to breath stacking with a manual resuscitator was more effective in lung expansion, being a safe and effective maneuver in the respiratory mechanics of patients on invasive mechanical ventilation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Thays Roberta Pessoa de Freitas, Fabiana Della Via, Silvia Lanziotti Azevedo da Silva, Vanessa Sampaio dos Santos Milani, Carolina Kosour

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